WiNRADiO Future of radio

  We make them tough
Many WiNRADiO applications require our receivers to work under the toughest environmental conditions, so we make our receivers tough, too.

But sometimes even we are surprised. This WR-3100e receiver survived a fire which brought down the entire surrounding house, yet still remained fully functional.

The unit has been sent to us courtesy its original owner Mr Gene Wyman of Ketchikan, Alaska.

A burnt WR-3100e
We did know, of course, that our enclosures are built to withstand a significant force, but how about a practical test; how about being run over by a 4 ton army truck?

No problem.

This WR-3700e receiver remained fully functional, without any mechanical deformation of its enclosure, and suffered only a minor scratch in the paint.

WR-3700e undergoing a practical crash test